Marketing Strategy

“Data! data! data!" Sherlock Holmes cried impatiently. "I can't make bricks without clay.” After completing a comprehensive research project for North Central Health Care, it struck me that we may have a thing or two to learn from the greatest detective of all time. Learn more about the sleuth-work of collecting data.

Your home page or landing page must answer three questions in 7 seconds: where am I, what can I do here, why should I do it? I’m not sure Usain Bolt is even that fast. You can’t just put yourself in your customer’s shoes, now you need racing shoes.

Meet Larry Alsum, the face of Alsum Farms & Produce, and learn how this TMA+Peritus client transformed their brand from the inside out. Like Orville Redenbacher, Jimmy Dean and Victor Kiam, when does it make sense to have the company’s leader be your brand?

According to U.S. News and World Report, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Masters of Science in Biotechnology program ranks 15th worldwide.

From Al Gonquin-Roundtable, Style Editor at TMA+Peritus. If you're using social media sites for both personal and business use, follow our helpful tip.

Strategies for getting people to act on your calls-to-action.

Do you find social media networking exhausting or energizing? Does talking about yourself make you feel pretentious? It does me.

When I first started using Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, it made me uncomfortable. I don’t like talking about myself — and the last thing I want to do is waste people’s time by talking about the minutia of my life.  I have read too many posts from people talking about what they ate, how many push-ups they did or how smart they think they are.

In my 35-year marketing career, I’ve never heard so many people talk about the speed of change that dominates our thinking, our processes, and our conversation.

OK, I admit it. Once in a while I’ve just got to have a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder. And fries. And a soda. When I’m there, I’m always struck by my experience. A very consistent experience.

So, when I ran across crucial research, provided by Seattle’s Razorfish, on the consumer’s point of view on engaging with businesses through social media, I was struck with some correlations between my McDonald’s experience and the point of view research.

Not really, but now that I have your attention, here’s a quick and easy guide for creating winning marketing emails.