Bremer & Trollop, for over 30 years, is one of Wisconsin’s leading law firms devoted entirely to protecting the rights of accident victims.
It was 1987 and the advertising budget was dominated by TV and Yellow Pages. That’s when we were named agency of record and we haven’t looked back. The TV spots were all shot on film and the Yellow Page budget represented half of the total advertising costs. Times have changed for Bremer & Trollop, a Wisconsin-based personal injury law firm with six offices.
200 television commercials later, a Yellow Page budget that’s 90% less than it was, outdoor, radio, direct mail, pay-per-click campaigns, and four variations of a website later, Bremer & Trollop fully integrates their marketing with tight analytics controls that govern the weekly advertising spend. Year after year, TMA+P has stood by B &T as the firm stands by its clients.
- Marketing Strategy and Thought Leadership
- Branding
- Website Design and Development
- TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor, Digital Ad Production
- Collateral Design
- Direct Mail
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Pay-Per-Click Campaigns