Besting all others in an RFP and open Wisconsin Association of Public Purchasers (WAPP) review, we are pleased to announce that earlier this year the contract for the design and development of a new website for Nicolet College was awarded to TMA+Peritus (TMA+P) over all other contenders.
The project, which will span an approximately eight-month period, also included upfront Voice-of-Customer Research (VOC), the trademark proprietary process used by TMA+P that assists their web team in overall site strategy, Information Architecture, Content Taxonomy and User Experience Design.
Nicolet Area Technical College is a two-year, post-secondary community and public college located in Northern Wisconsin. Created in 1967, the main campus is located in Rhinelander, WI with an outreach center, constructed in 1991, located adjacent to the Lakeland Union High School in the town of Minocqua. Other instructional centers are located throughout the District. The College offers one- and two-year career diplomas and degrees, liberal arts university transfer studies, and a comprehensive continuing education program.
The District of Nicolet College is comprised of all of Oneida, Vilas, and Forest counties, and portions of Iron, Lincoln, and Langlade counties. The District is approximately 4,000 square miles, with a population of 84,000 persons. Nicolet enrolls approximately 1,600 students each semester and also enrolls approximately 10,000 students in community education, personal enrichment, professional development, and apprenticeship programs. The College employs approximately 157 permanent staff.
College and university websites are often times large-scale web development projects that are usually handled only by top website strategy design and development companies. TMA+P has worked on university websites including UW-Madison and one other Wisconsin Technical College website that contained 13, 000 web pages at the beginning of the project.
Kathy Marks, Principle in TMA+P and the strategist and project manager for the Nicolet website said, “We are absolutely delighted to be working on this project and strongly believe in the mission and values of Nicolet College. What’s equally exciting and incredibly rewarding is that the college’s internal web team is gifted, committed to excellence, and are some of the nicest people we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. They are an ideal client.”
TMA+P is Wisconsin’s leading web strategy, design and development firm with 18 years of experience, a portfolio of more than 200 large-scale websites with clients across the United States and in Australia. TMA+P has won 65 American Advertising Awards for their digital work over the last four years, including multiple awards for their website writing.