Goodbye familiar, hello WOW!
Website designs are moving away from stock images and photography to more interesting and personalized branding that includes free-flowing compositions with colorful illustrations, interesting and subtle textures. Classic serif fonts, bolder sans serif fonts and a broader palette of muted colors are helping to push back against the all-to familiar use of pure minimalism.
- New technologies have led to new techniques in design, like glass morphism, as shown in this link: https://webflow.com/made-in-webflow/website/Crypto-Alt-Coin
- Using fewer hero full width images lets your visitors get right to your important content. The design can be enhanced with creative half-width images, illustrations, shapes, videos, interesting typography, and an interesting use of your brand colors.
- Oversized Type. Be bold. Use interesting, contrasting fonts from two or more families.
https://www.hugeinc.com https://language.la
- Complex gradients. We’ve come a long way since the dawn of obnoxious, garish gradients, and now there are much smoother options that are also easy on the eyes.
CSS gradient generator: https://cssgradient.io
Hex color based gradients: https://webgradients.com
UI gradient generator: https://uigradients.com/#SweetMorning
You can also use the classic color wheel from Adobe to help you with your color selections: https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel
- Create a more engaging interactive user experience.
- Use hand drawn fonts and graphics.
When you are ready to add the WOW to your digital projects, reach out to https://tmaperitus.com/contact and we will make it happen.