
But the fact remains, web visitors leave web pages in droves by the second. Usability king Jacob Neilsen has more than taught us our chances of web page survival are slim…

Ebooks are analytics-rich and that’s the first reason I’m down with them, or up, or both, depending on which generation you’re talking to.

So, I suggest starting small but dreaming big. Try one blog post every week. I wrote a post a while back called Blog it Like Drucker: How to Write a B2B Blog That Creates Customers.  

Don’t get hung-up on your history, as Thomas Jefferson said, “I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.

Go into a new website design or redesign project with a 3-5 year plan and to get the most out of your investment, follow these basic guidelines to assure that your new website will flex and grow over time.

Do you really want to surrender a huge portion of your home page to a design technique that doesn’t yield conversion? Of course you don’t.

There’s no shortage of statistics – no more than six words, less than 130 characters, don’t use all caps and exclamation points, or the words Free, Help and Percent-Off.

There are many types of sales closes from the Columbo and Puppy Dog closes all the way to the Assumptive and Backwards closes. Some work better online than others.

Harvard, by all accounts, is a reputable institution. They might not possess the ability to draft engaging titles for their research, in fact, this one is downright off putting, but I do trust their findings.

Are you building trust by way of your website, nurturing leads, adding value because of your content, being a thought leader? If not, strike four.